RN to BSN Online Nursing Programs

RN to BSN Online
RN to BSNThe Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) online program prepares nurses licensed in the United States for a successful career in today's demanding healthcare environment. Graduates of this online RN to BSN program perform better in their profession and assume roles that demand critical-thinking, decision-making, communication, and leadership skills.Core courses prepare graduates for population-based cases and the managed care environment. Support courses and electives in the student's choice of area cover additional current issues in nursing.

All "Online" BSN programs are not created equal. You may still have to regularly visit the campus or other specific class locations during the program. You may only have to do this occasionally - once or twice a semester, or at the end of the program, etc. Or you may never have to - "Online" for some schools means 100% online.At some schools, the start dates for the online program are the same as the academic term start dates for the campus based program. At other schools, there are a broader range of start dates available for the online program, which means more flexibility for you.

Generally, the "Featured" online programs on this website require less time spent on campus than the other online programs listed, and have a wider variety of start dates, because they’re offered by schools that have a much greater focus on delivering online programs. That’s worth thinking about as you choose a school. If you decide to enroll in an online program, you may get better results by choosing a school that’s got a lot of experience offering online programs, and has worked out a lot of the kinks already (technology issues, curriculum, how to handle clinicals, etc.). It’s a good idea to contact multiple schools, and to ask about specific requirements such as time spent on campus (many online programs will also require some visits to the actual campus), GPA requirements, and transfer credits.

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